How long you've been streaming?
Been streaming for 5 years
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • The Evil Within
  • Dead Island
  • White Day
Your Favorite horror movie?
Dawn Of The Dead - I've watched it over 100 times
What's a random fact about you?
I love horror games but I also love cute things o.O
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Do not get started expecting success, it will just set u up to fail. Start streaming for your love of games and wanting to showcase that with the world. Everything else will fall into place.
How long you've been streaming?
Just over 2 years
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Resident Evil
  • Madison
  • Layers of Fear
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
I do Health & Safety for my day job! I love it.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Good things take time so don’t feel like you have to rush. Take the time to build your brand, form a solid community, find new games you love and have fun. It’s normal for things to break or go wrong, we have all been there!
How long you've been streaming?
since May of 2021
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • At Dead of Night
  • Bloodwash
  • The Quarry
Your Favorite horror movie?
The Evil Dead
What's a random fact about you?
I have a huge collection of Evil Dead paraphernalia that encompasses my entire house
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Never give up. The community and friendships you will make along your twitch journey will be some of the most fulfilling you've ever had.
How long you've been streaming?
Since 2020
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • The Mortuary Assistant
  • Little Nightmares
  • 7 Days to Die
Your Favorite horror movie?
The Shining
What's a random fact about you?
I have a world record
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Don't focus on numbers, just stream what you enjoy and always be yourself <3
She/Her, They/Them
How long you've been streaming?
May 2023
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Forsake
  • Mortuary Assistant
  • Content Warning
Your Favorite horror movie?
One of my favorites is Hellraiser. There are far too many excellent horrors to only choose one!
What's a random fact about you?
My first language is not English, it's Tagalog. I'm half-Filipinio and was born in the Phlippines.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
It's equally as important to become part of other communities whilst building your own. Streaming isn't something you should go at alone, you'll find you don't enjoy the journey. Don't be afraid to invite and welcome others on yours!
How long you've been streaming?
Since 2020
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Dead by Daylight
  • Left 4 Dead 2
  • Alien: Isolation
Your Favorite horror movie?
Halloween or Scream!
What's a random fact about you?
I am a professional actress and have been involved in multiple award-winning TV shows & short films!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
The best tip for new streamers is to just have fun with your content! Don't be afraid to play games you enjoy or post clips of an enjoyable moment!
Any/All - I truly have no preference
How long you've been streaming?
Twitch Affiliate Aug 1st 2020
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Silent Hill 2
  • Occult
  • Forewarned
Your Favorite horror movie?
Hellraiser (entire series)
What's a random fact about you?
I have a special eye muscle in my right eye so I can look 2 directions at once like a lizard
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Don't ever let shitty people into your community, if they're causing trouble, dont hesitate to get rid of them right away. Even as a numbers game, handling this kind of thing promptly will only benefit you in the long run.
How long you've been streaming?
Since Dec 2021
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Phasmophobia
  • Devour
  • Ghost Watchers
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
I have lactose intolerance and ignore it daily to my husband's dismay 🙃
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Have fun with it. Make sure you're playing games you enjoy and/or with people whose company you enjoy. If you are visibly having fun, people are more likely to interact 💙
How long you've been streaming?
2 yrs
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Little Nightmares
  • Resident Evil 2
  • Outlast
Your Favorite horror movie?
Monster Squad
What's a random fact about you?
I'm addicted to pickles
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Turn off viewer count!
How long you've been streaming?
Streaming since Jan 2022
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Visage
  • Alien Isolation
  • Murderhouse
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
I only started playing horror games last year with my community. Still can't play them alone! So far we've played over 100 different horror games.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Do not worry about follower count. Stay away from that follow for follow nonsense. While you will gain followers, you won't grow. It won't be natural and you won't build a community that will support you during your ups and downs. Believe in yourself and chase that dream!
How long you've been streaming?
Just recently hit my 2 year anniversary!
Your Top 3 horror games?
This changes often, but right now:
  • Devour
  • Maid of Sker
  • At Dead of Night
Your Favorite horror movie?
13 Ghosts (the remake)
What's a random fact about you?
I can say the alphabet backwards
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Turn off your viewer count while live, it'll only distract you from stream.
How long you've been streaming?
How long is kind of loaded question. I streamed about 5 years ago for about 3 months. I had a disease that shut down my face, and I never came back to Twitch. I got the confidence to come back and have streamed since October 2022.
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • From the Darkness
  • Resident Evil (1996)
  • Silent Hill (1999)
Your Favorite horror movie?
The Shining
What's a random fact about you?
I have a massive horror man cave that consists of 4200 Horror movies, movie props, classic memorabilia, autograph collections, and deters all burglars from entering my home....
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Support one another without agendas will always be my biggest tip! Numbers will never be that important, if you don't even know your community. Stop being selfish and learn to be proactive and helpful to the ones that surround you. Support can be so many different directions and angles. It costs literally nothing to lurk, retweet, promote, shout out, suggest through host, or even mention in stream of others. I will always be your biggest cheerleader! You can do it!
How long you've been streaming?
October 2021
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Resident Evil 4
  • V696
  • Summer of 58
Your Favorite horror movie?
IT 1990 Version
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Always be yourself and don’t be afraid to take a break. Take care of you first.
How long you've been streaming?
1.5 Years
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Summer of '58
  • Visage
Your Favorite horror movie?
Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
What's a random fact about you?
I have my own coffee brand and host advanced Barista Skills classes in my spare time.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Content creators seem very Cliquey" - In some cases what may seem like a clique could actually be a community that has a level of defences up from experience with people who try to use their Community as an opportunity to self promote, engage in S4S/F4F or similar un wanted behaviours. I wouldn't dwell on it, When you find the right ones you will know they are legit. Don't be afraid to ask questions and most of all have fun with what you are doing!
How long you've been streaming?
since August of 2020
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Demonologist
  • Anything Emika
  • Outlast
Your Favorite horror movie?
JAWS (come on it’s a classic)
What's a random fact about you?
I have three pugs. Punkin, Bubba and Luka
What tip do you have for new streamers:
DO NOT stream more than once a day and keep your streams to two hours or less. Once you get Affiliate you can go hog wild!
How long you've been streaming?
I've been streaming off and on for about 3-5 years but started taking it seriously over the past year or so
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • SOMA
  • Dead Space franchise
Your Favorite horror movie?
Definitely the Evil Dead remake. Hands down!
What's a random fact about you?
I've been producing music for over 6 years and a radio host for over 8 years
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Don't fret the small things. Just stream. Your personality is worth more than your Webcam or audio and those things will come in time!
How long you've been streaming?
A little under 2 years intermittent
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Outlast
  • Dead Space
  • Resident Evil 2 (remake)
Your Favorite horror movie?
Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead
What's a random fact about you?
I am a reconnaissance asset for the U.S. Army and now currently an instructor.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
ALWAYS be yourself. Never try to obtain an audience who isn't happy or ok with who you TRULY are.
How long you've been streaming?
Streaming since Feb 2021
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Visage
  • Resident Evil 7
  • The Evil Within 2
Your Favorite horror movie?
Halloween (1978)
What's a random fact about you?
I played a zombie in an award winning short horror film.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Don’t try to be the next big streamer, be the first you! Turn your viewer count off, and play games YOU want to play.
she/her and they/them
How long you've been streaming?
Since Oct 2020
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • From The Darkness
  • Mists of Aiden
  • Love, Sam
Your Favorite horror movie?
Rosemary's Baby
What's a random fact about you?
I have the voice of and angel and I am also very humble. Just Kidding! I am good at reading mirrored font. 😄
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Sound is more important then visuals. No one is gonna leave your stream for a bad webcam or a non-hd stream but peaking mics, loud alerts and bad audio balancing will make people leave. And yes even if you are a "screamer" there is no need for a peaking mic. And put the mic closer to your mouth!
How long you've been streaming?
Almost 2 yrs
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Summer of 58
  • Demonologist
  • Layers of Fear
Your Favorite horror movie?
Paranormal Activity
What's a random fact about you?
I used to be a Book Blogger and reviewed Horror Books for fun.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Do it because you find it fun, not for money or to become famous. You are far more likely to be genuine and get opportunities because you love it and it shows.
How long you've been streaming?
2 years and 7 months now
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Silent Hill Franchise
  • Lost In Vivo
  • Ao Oni (OG game)
Your Favorite horror movie?
Ringu (Japanese version of The Ring)
What's a random fact about you?
I had to get my lips re-pierced 5 times just to have snakebite piercings (I don’t have them no more)
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Try to have the follower alerts to ANON alerts, it relieves the pressure of the follower from being “called out” and it engages them to chat more on ur stream!
How long you've been streaming?
3 years
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Resident Evil Code Veronica
  • Happys Humble Burger Farm
  • Occult

(Upcoming: Mannekin Hessler Storage and Outlast Trials!)

Your Favorite horror movie?
Original House on Haunted Hill.
What's a random fact about you?
I was deaf until about age 4, so now my body doesn't understand loud noises.... so it triggers all of my adrenaline at once and I faint. Yes... I'm a fainting goat! 🤣
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Don't be afraid to be you. Don't get caught up in games because it's what you think people would watch... people will show up for you! Things fall into place when you find who you are on twitch.... Its where I met my other half OneSpeed94 and im extremely grateful ❤
How long you've been streaming?
~ 2.5 years
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Fatal Frame
  • Outlast
  • Locked Up
Your Favorite horror movie?
The original Exorcist
What's a random fact about you?
I love to skateboard
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Get involved with communities you vibe with and play games that you enjoy. Play games you enjoy with friends you trust! Also never self promote because it is frowned upon in a lot of communities like F4F and saying your going live in a streamers chat or vc its not really a good look. You will meet the right friends when the time comes. And Most importantly have fun!
How long you've been streaming?
3 years
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Killing Floor 2
  • Silent Hill
  • Resident Evil 3 (1999)
Your Favorite horror movie?
Dead Alive (Braindead)
What's a random fact about you?
Travelling sword salesman for 13 years
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Always pay attention to chat, Build genuine connections!
How long you've been streaming?
since July 2018 (affiliated august 2018)
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Outlast
  • Demonologist
  • Friday the 13th the Game
Your Favorite horror movie?
The Saw Series
What's a random fact about you?
I love to play and teach tennis
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Quality over quantity, take breaks, and just have fun!
How long you've been streaming?
6 Years
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Fatal Frame
  • Silent Hill 2
  • The 7th Guest
Your Favorite horror movie?
House of 1000 Corpses
What's a random fact about you?
I've been DJing for half my life! (I turn 38 this year, haha!)
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things! Streaming is a journey of fun!
How long you've been streaming?
March of 2020
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • God's Basement
  • Silent Hill 4
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
I once assisted with a caesarean section on a cow.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Turn. Off. Followers. Only.
How long you've been streaming?
March 2022
Your Top 3 horror games?
It's so hard to choose just 3, but
  • Madison
  • Visage
  • Mirror Forge
Your Favorite horror movie?
Again too many to choose from, but Talk to Me was one of the best recent ones I've seen
What's a random fact about you?
I love what I call "old lady crafts" and when I'm not at my desk, I'm probably either knitting or crocheting!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Prioritize doing/playing things you truly enjoy! Viewers can always tell when you are genuinely having fun, and they have more fun when you do!
How long you've been streaming?
Summer 2020
Your Top 3 horror games?
(aaaa so tough!)
  • Outlast
  • Resident Evil 7
  • Night at The Gates of Hell
Your Favorite horror movie?
(Again, also SO tough) I'll go with Halloween
What's a random fact about you?
I am qualified in Animal Nursing & used to work in a veterinary clinic!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Turn that view count OFF! Act like you're streaming to 100 people always. Looking at your view count can really impact your mood on stream, don't let it get in the way of making entertaining content!
How long you've been streaming?
May 2021
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • In Sound Mind
  • Spgahet 2
  • Devour
Your Favorite horror movie?
Tie between Trick r Treat and Cabin in the Woods
What's a random fact about you?
I'm a collect for tarot/oracle cards and enjoy doing readings with them.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Add the sery_bot to keep your chat/community safe instead of doing follower only. Follower only can prevent your community growth because some people like to interact with a streamer before giving a follow.
How long you've been streaming?
Will be 3 years September '23!
Your Top 3 horror games?
It varies but currently its
  • Boo Men
  • Labyrinthine
  • ManneKin
Your Favorite horror movie?
Friday the 13th
What's a random fact about you?
I was "bullied" into streaming by my best friend, I never would have started on my own!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
It's ok to want to grow and get better, but don't drive yourself into the ground trying to do so. So many people end up quitting because they focus too much on numbers and growth. Remember to take care of yourself and have fun, the right people will come ❤️
How long you've been streaming?
Exactly 2 years!
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Alien Isolation
  • Resident Evil 4
  • Outlast
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
Recently completed 170 correct ghosts in a row for Phasmophobia playing on Double Nightmare Difficulty, Solo, No Pills and Open Mic.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Consistency. Not schedule - Energy and atmosphere. If you can’t give that same feeing every time, you’re better off not streaming that day.
How long you've been streaming?
Nearly 3 years
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Visage
  • Madison
  • Outlast
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
I practice meditation, and believe in the supernatural!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Always talk in your streams, never keep the room quiet (unless it's a cutscene!) Always comment on your surroundings.
How long you've been streaming?
I started in January 2023
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Demonologist
  • Anything by Emika Games
  • Boo Men
Your Favorite horror movie?
Halloween (1978)
What's a random fact about you?
I'm a Paranormal Investigator.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Community and Networking: Focus on building genuine connections with your community. Create a safe, inviting and inclusive space. Network with other streamers. Get to know their communities, be genuine, be yourself and be humble. Friendships and bonds will form naturally. Join Discord communities that match your niche and interests and of the streamers you admire. Lastly, always Pay It Forward! We are all on this streamer journey together regardless how big or small, help others.
How long you've been streaming?
Feb 2023
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Silent Hill 4
  • Siren (ps2)
  • Clock Tower 3
Your Favorite horror movie?
House by the Cemetery (Lucio Fulci)
What's a random fact about you?
I've never had taco bell
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Really try to be as genuine to yourself as possible, it makes things more fun, and when you are having fun the viewers can tell, and they have more fun too.
How long you've been streaming?
Since August of 2021
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Summer of '58
  • Resident Evil 2 Remake
  • Madison
Your Favorite horror movie?
There are many but I would have to say any of the Halloween movies!
What's a random fact about you?
I used to be a COD only gamer. But then I found some pretty awesome horror streamers that opened my eyes to an entirely new side of gaming that I never knew I'd enjoy. As it turns out I really love getting scared!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Stream what YOU enjoy and don't be afraid to be you. You will find your people and make your own little corner of the internet a cozy and welcoming one. Also, avoid analysis paralysis, this journey is yours and yours only. Run with it and ENJOY it!
How long you've been streaming?
Started streaming in September of 2020.
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Layers of Fear
  • From the Darkness
  • In Sound Mind
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
I once ran a metal/rock record label.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Be yourself and play/stream what you are passionate about that. Whether gaming, crafting, chatting; do what you love to do and always remember that you matter, and are making a difference in someone's life out there as well.
How long you've been streaming?
6+ years (wowee)
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Silent Hill 2
  • Until Dawn
  • Resident Evil 4 (Remake)
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
I was a social media manager for a men's underwear company for almost 2 years!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Whatever you do, just have fun. It's so much easier for your audience to have fun when you're having fun with what you do.
How long you've been streaming?
since Oct. 30, 2020
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Subnautica
  • Resident Evil 7
  • Outlast
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
The Juggernaut is actually not my ultimate favorite comicbook villain (he's #2)! That would be Gallactus!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
More than anything else, stay humble. Celebrate your victories and your success with your community and friends! Staying humble will keep you on course for what comes next and how to keep growing. Always look to improve and achieve the next step towards greatness!s
How long you've been streaming?
I have only been streaming since January of 2023.
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Silent Hill 2
  • The Last of Us
  • Left 4 Dead
Your Favorite horror movie?
I love psychological thrillers! My oldest fav is The Others, and my newest fav is Hereditary.
What's a random fact about you?
I am a high school theater teacher and I love my job.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Hit the “Go Live” button! It can be hard at first, but do it anyway! Let your own personality shine, and don’t compare yourself to other streamers. We are all different, and that is what makes each of us amazing.
How long you've been streaming?
Since June, 2021
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Silent Hill 2
  • The Blair Witch
  • Lost Alone Ultimate
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
I am a huge nature nerd, I practice meditation in nature and love learning about herbs and plants. My tea collection is outrageous! 🌿
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Narrate your thoughts consistently! It is unlikely people will hang around just to watch you play a game anymore, Be chatty even when there is no one in your chat! Be kind! the world needs more of it
How long you've been streaming?
Started December 2020, so a little over 2 years.
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Visage
  • Outlast
  • Madison
Your Favorite horror movie?
Zombieland (okay maybe not very scary, but still)
What's a random fact about you?
I love to ride my motorcycle on my free time.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Consistency is key, remember why you started and don’t lose sight of that. Everyone’s journey is different and growth isn’t linear. You’ve got this!
How long you've been streaming?
June 2022
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Subnautica
  • Killer Frequency
  • Summer of 58
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Be yourself and don't look at numbers! Enjoy it as much as you can and take breaks ❤️ 🐸
How long you've been streaming?
I have been streaming since 2017
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • MetaPhysical
  • Devour
  • Demonologist
Your Favorite horror movie?
Friday the 13th
What's a random fact about you?
I love learning about space and cosmology!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Interaction is important - it can be difficult when chat isn't very active but get into the habit of checking chat for messages and talking to chat about the game or whatever you would like, even if no one is responding, because some people like to just listen!
How long you've been streaming?
April 2021
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Until Dawn
  • The Quarry
  • Phasmophobia
Your Favorite horror movie?
The Ring
What's a random fact about you? What's a random fact about you?
I really like bread.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Stream what you love, and don't be afraid to take breaks. Put your mental health first and the viewers will come.
How long you've been streaming?
For 6 years
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Conrad Stevenson's Paranormal P.I.
  • The Exorcist: Legion VR
  • Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul
Your Favorite horror movie?
"All of us are dead" its a series but its a good horror series . I barley watch movies
What's a random fact about you?
I love doing challenges that pushes my limit and entertain everyone in the process without hurting myself
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Live and learn and do what you enjoy doing and never give up.
How long you've been streaming?
Since 2020
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Visage
  • Madison
  • anything emika_games makes
Your Favorite horror movie?
Thirteen ghosts scarred the life out of me as a child so probably that one.
What's a random fact about you?
I love scuba diving and have dove with whale sharks, manta rays, white tip reef sharks, green sea turtles, wolf eels, harbor seals, and octupuses!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Community is everything! Focus on creating a space that you would want to be a part of and make sure everyone who respects that space feels welcomed! and NEVER stop talking.
How long you've been streaming?
Since January of 2022
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Visage
  • Anything by Emika Games
  • 7 Days to Die
Your Favorite horror movie?
House of 1,000 Corpses
What's a random fact about you?
I started playing horror games when I started streaming and still can’t play them off stream or without friends. I’m a giant baby and my community will tell you that I’m afraid of my own shadow.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Don’t compare yourself to others! Every journey is different. It’s okay to look and learn techniques from others but learn what works for you and be yourself. It’s important to have fun and if you need to take a break, take the break! Health comes first and your community will be there for you.
How long you've been streaming?
August 2020
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Little Misfortune
  • Chilla's Art's The Ghost Train
  • My Friendly Neighborhood
Your Favorite horror movie?
You're making me choose just one?! Cruel. It would be One Missed Call (2003)
What's a random fact about you?
I have folded over 20,000 origami stars in the past six months!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Don't stress yourself out or put yourself in an uncomfortable place for the sake of an audience. Do what you want and your people will find you.
How long you've been streaming?
August 2022
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Happy's Humble Burger Farm
  • Bendy and the Dark Revival
  • My friendly Neighborhood
Your Favorite horror movie?
1932's Murders in the Rue Morgue as well as the 1986 TV version staring Val Kilmer
What's a random fact about you?
The first song I ever learned to play on the bass was the Power Rangers theme song.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Have fun with streaming, stream what you want when you want it and people will come to you.
How long you've been streaming?
5 years
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Visage
  • The Mortuary Assistant
Your Favorite horror movie?
Shutter (2004)
What's a random fact about you?
I love anything to do with Outer Space and learning about what’s beyond our solar system :3
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Do not use other streamers as a measuring stick for your own success. Everyone’s journey is going to look different so just focus on what you can do and making your streams/community the best they can be and everything else will fall into place as it’s supposed to!
How long you've been streaming?
Been streaming since 2021
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • From The Darkness
  • Fears To Fathom
  • Night Security
Your Favorite horror movie?
John Carpenter’s “The Thing”
What's a random fact about you?
!’m a voice actor who has voiced in a few horror games you may know!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
DON’T WATCH YOUR NUMBERS! Numbers don’t make your streams fun. You do!
How long you've been streaming?
Feburary 19
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Resident Evil 4 (Remake)
  • The Quarry
  • Buckshot Roulette
Your Favorite horror movie?
An impossible task
What's a random fact about you?
My old nickname was shrapnel before it became mostly where I get my user name from. I’m a ex semi professional skateboarder.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Try new things.
How long you've been streaming?
Since January 2022
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Fatal Frame
  • Silent Hill
  • Eternal Darkness
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
If I'm not gaming, I have my nose in a book :)
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Be kind and have fun!
How long you've been streaming?
2 yr on the 6th of June!
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Confabulation
  • Dead Island 2 (if it can be called a horror!)
  • The Mortuary Assistant
Your Favorite horror movie?
Wouldn't say I have a fav cause Im chicken but Hostel stuck with me and still gives me nightmares!
What's a random fact about you?
When I get scared I tend to swear the air blue! And apparently have the most adorable hiccups?
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Don't let there be too much dead air, as in dont stop talking. If you worry about the numbers or interaction in chat you stress, just enjoy the game, describe your thoughts/actions and talk as if your best friend is there! Cut scenes are different, dont talk during! And ALWAYS thank gifters.
Naldo: he/him | Brit: she/her
How long you've been streaming?
3yrs as NYP/6yrs total
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • MADiSON [Naldo]
  • Visage [Brit]
  • Resident Evil [Both]
Your Favorite horror movie?
Zombieland[Brit] | Saw[Naldo]
What's a random fact about you?
Brit did archery & Naldo loves cooking
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Don't sweat the small stuff and have FUN! Everything takes time, but as long as you are having fun doing whatever you're doing, the rest will come. Be genuine, be present, be yourself and don't be afraid to laugh at your mistakes 🙂
How long you've been streaming?
May 2023
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Lazaret
  • Welcome to Kowloon
  • any Emika game
Your Favorite horror movie?
Any of the Conjuring movies
What's a random fact about you?
I have 5 dogs and 4 cats
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Be you! Don't try to be anyone else. Let it come naturally. This will allow you to be relaxed and carefree. If you're happy and having a good time, your community will too!
How long you've been streaming?
been streaming 4 years
Your Top 3 horror games?
I’m new to horror games so my current choices are limited.
  • At Dead of Night
  • Until Dawn
  • Resident Evil 7
Your Favorite horror movie?
The Shining
What's a random fact about you?
The first video game I played was Pong.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Have fun is the number one rule for me. If it’s not fun I wouldn’t be streaming. Also, pay attention to chat. If someone comes in and says hi chances are they might like to chat. Don’t call out lurkers. Have fun. Don’t compare yourself to everyone else. Have fun.
How long you've been streaming?
For about 2.5 year
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Outlast
  • The Evil Within
  • Bioshock
Your Favorite horror movie?
Cabin In The Woods
What's a random fact about you?
I (attempted) to make a zombie movie at my highschool, but the person filming it swears he “lost” all the tape… but I think he just thought it was too cringe to release it 😂
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Friendships and memories are more important than numbers ❤️
How long you've been streaming?
2.5 years
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • The Beast Inside
  • Don't Be Afraid
  • Mirror Forge
Your Favorite horror movie?
Get Out
What's a random fact about you?
I have a tattoo sleeve on my left arm inspired by greek mythology with Hercules, Posiedeon, Hades and the titan Atlas taking pride of place on my arm. I plan to complete a nordic inspired sleeve on my right arm.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Life is full of Peaks and valleys and you must experience the depths of the valleys to appreciate the ecstasy of the peaks. Streaming is the same. Appreciate the good times but understand the importance of the lows
How long you've been streaming?
Since Nov 2021
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • The Mortuary Assistant
  • Boo Men
  • Dead by Daylight
Your Favorite horror movie?
I'm too scared to watch most! But I love the Insidious movies.
What's a random fact about you?
I have driven a submarine, flown a plane, and flown and helicopter. All just one time each.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Talk! It's hard to keep up conversation with an empty or silent chat, but just keep talking: about what you're doing, about who you are, about your life. Eventually, someone will join in.
How long you've been streaming?
I started streaming in September 2020
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Resident Evil
  • Outlast
  • At Dead of Night
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
A drive submarines for a living
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Be yourself and not who everybody else wants you to be. Your journey is your own.
How long you've been streaming?
since 2019… I think
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Dead Space
  • Father’s Day
  • Resident Evil Franchise
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
I'm deathly afraid of spiders, not giant ones like humans size but anything smaller than a baseball… NOPE
What tip do you have for new streamers:
EVER give up, no matter how it looks keep pushing. I know other streamers say the same thing but really if you love it keep going.
How long you've been streaming?
February 2022
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Dead by Daylight
  • Lethal Company
  • Demonologist
Your Favorite horror movie?
The Descent
What's a random fact about you?
I love watching content and reading about ghosts/the paranormal!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Stay true to who you are, and the right people - YOUR people - will find you 🤍
How long you've been streaming?
March 2021
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Madison
  • Outlast
  • Alien isolation
Your Favorite horror movie?
The Conjuring
What's a random fact about you?
I am terrified of Spiders real or not!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Don't focus on your view count this certainly can impact yourself when streaming!
How long you've been streaming?
Since October 2020
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • At Dead of Night
  • Home Sweet Home
  • The Mortuary Assistant
Your Favorite horror movie?
I grew up not watching horror, but I'm fixing that now! Saw was one of the few I watched back then and liked and more recently I enjoyed Willy's Wonderland
What's a random fact about you?
I'm about 80% deaf in one ear
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Turn on the confirmation box in your OBS settings so you'll never accidently go live!
How long you've been streaming?
(almost) 1.5 years
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
  • Labyrinthine
  • Outlast Trials
Your Favorite horror movie?
House of 1000 Corpses
What's a random fact about you?
I'm a unicorn collector, and I have nearly 100 unicorns just in my streaming room alone.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Don't panic, don't obsess over viewer count, and try not to compare yourself to others. It doesn't happen overnight, so try not to let anything discourage you. Getting anywhere starts with the communities you surround yourself with, so focus on finding great communities, and the real reward will be all of the fabulous friends you'll make!
How long you've been streaming?
since December 18, 2018
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Fatal Frame 2
  • Silent Hill 3
  • Home Sweet Home
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
Learned to read by playing Dragon Quest (Warrior) 1 on the NES in 1986 with my brother.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Your stream is like your home. Maintain boundaries & remove anyone that doesn't respect those boundaries without remorse. This creates a positive space for you & the people that choose to respect you.
How long you've been streaming?
since September of 2020
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Phasmophobia
  • Phylakterion
  • Dead by Daylight
Your Favorite horror movie?
Cabin in the Woods
What's a random fact about you?
I have a rescue Greyhound
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Be yourself and don't be in a hurry. Streaming is a marathon not a race.
How long you've been streaming?
Since 2021
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • ilent Hill franchise
  • Bioshock franchise
  • Dead by Daylight
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
I received my cosmetology license when I was in high school and now I'm currently in school for programming and looking to get into the gaming industry!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
TALK! Talk to yourself, think out loud, and get used to the sound of your own voice. You never know who is watching or what will spark up a conversation with people!
How long you've been streaming?
Going on 10 Years
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Dead by Daylight
  • Outlast
  • Outlast 2
Your Favorite horror movie?
(Too many to count) but Evil Dead Remake
What's a random fact about you?
I have had 3 other YT Channels Fail.
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Make friends, make content outside of Twitch/Streaming, DON'T Make 'Lets Plays' or just re-upload your Streams on YouTube. (It wont work) Find someone in your niche that you enjoy watching, use that as a foundation, and make your own content. Don't just copy them, but it helps to get started.
How long you've been streaming?
I started streaming in May of 2021
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • The Bendy Series
  • Layers of Fear
  • Labyrinthine
Your Favorite horror movie?
What's a random fact about you?
I’m adopted, I’m a Cystic Fibrosis warrior, and i’m the founder of The Crypt Community!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
JUST KEEP TALKING because you never know who’s watching. If you struggle with topics, making gaming commentary is always great! You can also connect with anyone in chat by asking them about themselves, what games they’re currently playing, or how their day has been going. Streamers are entertainers and viewers want to be entertained.
How long you've been streaming?
9.5 years
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Visage
  • Lost in Vivo
  • Home Sweet Home
Your Favorite horror movie?
The Mist
What's a random fact about you?
Flew a single engine plane at the age of 15
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Take all that you are and hammer into what makes you tick, be the vessel of your niche. This will make you the authority of your space and fully showcase all that you bring to the table as a streamer.
How long you've been streaming?
2.5 years.
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Evil Within Series
  • SOMA
  • Outlast Series
Your Favorite horror movie?
Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise
What's a random fact about you?
I want to make a Supernatural game based of my all time favorite boys, Dean and Sam
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Networking can be hard. Some Streamers will pretend to a friends to use you, work on making true connections. Quality over Quantity
How long you've been streaming?
A year and a half
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Outlast
  • Bramble: The Mountain King
Your Favorite horror movie?
Scream (1996) A bonus The Craft (also 1996)
What's a random fact about you?
I used to live within walking distance of the ACTUAL taxidermized Cocaine Bear. Also, I am adopted!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Don't compare your growth to others, and HAVE FUN!
How long you've been streaming?
2ish years
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Outlast
  • Alien Isolation
  • Resident Evil 7
Your Favorite horror movie?
House of 1000 Corpses
What's a random fact about you?
I paint miniatures in my spare time, specifically Warhammer
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and try mew things!
How long you've been streaming?
I started in May 2021
Your Top 3 horror games?
  • Anything Puppet Combo
  • Chilla's Art
  • Fears to Fathom series
Your Favorite horror movie?
I have to admit, i very rarely watch horror movies
What's a random fact about you?
I study Game Art Design and want to develope my own Horror Game some day!
What tip do you have for new streamers:
Find your niche and stream what makes you happy, if you enjoy what you are doing, other people will too!